
Veteran Services

Our veterans have given so much in service to their country. It’s our turn to give back. We are proud to honor the men and women of our armed forces with dignified funeral services. If you or your loved one has served in the military, there are many benefits you should know about. We can help you navigate this process, secure your benefits, and plan a military funeral and all associated honors.



Veterans Benefits and Honors

While all eligible service members are entitled to a military funeral, a veteran or their family must first request one. We can take care of this step for you. All veterans are entitled to certain honors, which are:

  • The playing of “Taps” by a bugler or recording
  • The folding and presentation of the flag to next of kin.
  • An honors detail consisting of two or more uniformed military persons

Other Honors can include:

  • The U.S. flag draped over the casket
  • A three-volley rifle salute to represent duty, honor, and country
  • A final salute at the graveside

There are other honors you or your loved one might be entitled to. We can help you contact the VA to determine eligibility. These include:

  • Headstones: The VA provides headstones and markers for the graves of veterans anywhere in the world, and for eligible dependents of veterans buried in national, state, or military cemeteries.
  • A Presidential Memorial Certificate: This certificate shows the nation's recognition of the veteran's service. It includes the veteran's name and the signature of the President.
  • Memorial plots: If an eligible veteran's remains are not available for burial, the VA can provide a plot and headstone or marker in a national cemetery for memorialization. If you want to place the memorial in a cemetery other than a national cemetery, the VA will provide the headstone or marker but not the plot.
  • Burial in a national cemetery: This includes the gravesite, opening and closing of the grave, a grave box, and perpetual care
  • Reimbursement of burial: For information on eligibility and the different levels of potential reimbursement, please review the Guide to VA Burial Allowances.

We are here to support you or your loved one through the military funeral process. Please contact us with any questions you might have.

Military Funeral Eligibility

Eligible service members receive military funeral honors free of charge. Eligibility is determined by DD Form 214, Certificate of Release or Discharge from Active Duty. This form can be obtained through the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) website. Eligible members include:

  • Military members who died while on active duty.
  • Veterans who served in active service or selected reserves and were discharged or released by means of an “honorable” or “under honorable conditions” discharge.
  • Members of the Commissioned Officers Corps of the Public Health Service and National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration.
  • Certain civilian or contractual groups who have been named active-duty designees for the military, Navy or Air Force services.

Other Resources

Check out these resources for more information about honoring veterans and military funerals:

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